Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Okay, this one's interesting too.

Hancock is clearly the USA. He is a superhero (superpower), he has the eagle hat, and then there's his name--think Declaration of Independence.

(Interestingly Dark Knight paints the US as a troubled superhero as well.)

Here's the message I got from this movie: The US used to be a force for good, but now has become self-absorbed, jaded, and hopeless. Part of the blame seems to go to the world for lack of support, and part seems to go to the US itself, just for having a bad attitude.

The message seems to be that with a little support and a good PR campaign, the US can regain it's stature and self-confidence as a moral powerhouse. Overall, a pretty positive outlook.

I can't decide if the girlfriend superhero is supposed to be a metaphor. Maybe even a certain country? Most of the analogy in this flick seems to fall apart if you go very far with it. Any thoughts? What am I missing?

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